
Roberto Panzarani teaches Innovation Technology Government at Economia at Catholic University in Rome

He teaches Innovation Management at CRIE, Centro De Referencia Em Inteligencia Empresarial at The UFRJ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

He teaches to the Master on Gestione e Risorse Umane, Università Lumsa of Rome

He teaches Innovation Management at the Telamtic University San Raffaele

He teaches to the Master Executive Development Programme, Confcommercio

He is president of the Panzarani & Associates Studio, which has among its main activities to manage "The Innovation Network", a think tank that includes some of the leading experts on innovation and international level. Studio Panzarani & Associates promotes training pro­grams, associated to Innovative Business Processes, designed for Italian organiza­tions which are aware of the need to provide their senior managers with an in-depth understanding of the new challenges facing the global economic landscape.

The training that the Firm Panzarani implements are ad hoc projects for different companies and are accomplished through workshops, seminars, Strategic Learning Tour and Outdoor Arts.

He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Bruno Visentini at the Luiss in Rome, for economic legal research on non-profit organizations and companies.

He is President of the Scientific Committee of the Lazio Forum Third Sector.

He is a member to the Scientific Committee of the CFMT Milano

He is a member to the Club Innovatori of Confcommercio

He is a member of the Editorial Council of the "Inteligência Empresarial" magazine del CRIE, Federal University Rio de Janeiro

He is Advisor Social Innovation for Prioritalia di Manageritalia

He is a member to the Strategic Committee of the Vises, Gruppo Federmanager

He is a contributor for Aspenia on line magazine, Aspen Institute Italy.

He is a contributor for Centodieci, web magazine of the Mediolanum Corporate University

For several years he is working in education in Italy. Scholar of issues relating to intellectual capital in contexts with high innovation and author of several publications. Business Innovation expert, currently focused on the development of managerial innovation programs for top management of the leading Italian companies and institutions.

Constantly travels the world, accompanying the Italian companies in the major places of innovation from Silicon Valley to Bangalore, the Electronic City of Tel Aviv, to the emerging BRIC countries and Civets. The intent is to facilitate internal changes to the companies themselves and to create for their business opportunities in the "new world".

The books Humanity. La conquista sociale dell’impresa, Sense of Community e Innovazione Sociale nell’era dell’interconnessione, Innovazione e business collaboration nell’era della globalizzazione, talk about the social and sustainable innovation.

On the, Mediolanum magazine, an article on Copiare la natura per progettare un mondo migliore: il fascino della biomimetica

Many his collaborations in seminar on the innovation, sustainability and the environment with Symbola, WWF, Enel, Terna, Luiss (etc.)



“Il nuovo paradigma. Perché il futuro del capitalismo è comunitario”, Lupetti editore, 2021“Viaggio nell'innovazione Dentro gli ecosistemi del cambiamento globale”, Guerini e Associati, 2019

“Costruire communities. Come cambierà il futuro del capitalismo, dell'economia, della società e del lavoro”, Lupetti editore, 2018

Global: tribù, confini, leader, reti, ecosistemi Edizione Palinsesto, Roma, 2016

Humanity. La conquista sociale dell’impresa Edizione Palinsesto, Roma, 2015

Sense of Community e Innovazione Sociale nell’era dell’interconnessione Edizione Palinsesto, Roma, 2013,

Luxo for all Co-author with Josè Luiz Tejon and Victor Megido, Editoragente San Paolo Brasile 2010

Innovazione e business collaboration nell’era della globalizzazione Ed. Palinsesto, Roma 2009

L’Innovazione a colori: una mappa per la globalizzazione. Ed. Luiss University Press,  Roma 2008

II viaggio delle idee. Per una governance dell'innovazione, ed. Franco Angeli, Milano 2005, translated in Brazil with the following title A Viagem das Idèias, Editoragente 2006.

Gestione e sviluppo del Capitale Umano. Le persone nel bilancio dell'intangibile di una organizzazione. ed. Franco Angeli, Milano 2004.